Dil chahta hai ke

Dil chahta hai ke
Dil chahta hai ke tujhe apna bana loon..
khud ko bhool jaon or tujh main samaloon..
ab lafzoon se ye dil behalta naheen...
dil chahta hai ke tujhe apney pas ley aaon or tujh apna bana loon Dil chahta hai ke tujhe apna bana loon..
khud ko bhool jaon or tujh main samaloon..
ab lafzoon se ye dil behalta naheen...
dil chahta hai ke tujhe apney pas ley aaon or tujh apna bana loon

Jun, 14 2010     384 chars (3 sms)     2460 views       Love

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When you love someone truly,
you don"t look for faults,
you don"t look for answers,
you don"t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
I Only Wish To Be The Fountain Of Love

From Which You Drink,

Every Drop Promising Eternal Passion.
Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don''t become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.
What is love?

No one can define it, its something so great, only God could design it.

Yes, love is beyond, what man can define, for love is immortal, and God''s gift is divine.
There''s Is 1 Moment In Your Life

Whn You''re Wid Some1 & You Feel Like

The World Has Stopped &

Your Life Seems So Perfect

Make Sure You

Never Lose Tht Prson (:
When I Was Walking Alone,

I Wish That I Can Reach The End Of The Road.

But,When U Walked With Me

I Wish The Road Never End..
Love Is Common
Emotion That Comes
To Everyone

If You Get Whom
You Love
That''s Achievement


If You Get Who
Loves You
That''s Life ... :)
zindagik kisi mor per khud ko tanha na samajhna,me tere sath hun apne se juda na samjhna,me tujhse jan se bad kar pyar karta hun,meri muhabbat ko bura na sajhna,tum phuloon ki tarah khubsurat ho,masoom ho,dekho meri is tareef ko bejaan na samjhna,umar bher tera sath dene ka wada kiya he,zindagi ne agar sath na diya to bewafa na samjhna,ab b tune mere pyar ko thukraya sanam,ise mera muqaddar jan na apni khata na samjhna..
tum ko bhul jain bhi tu kaise.
tum ko satain bhi tu kaise.
tum tu wo khushbo ho jo meri sanson main basti hai.
khud ki sansoon ko tarpain bhi tu kaise.
Is iT PoSsIbLe FoR tHe RoSe To SaY “I’lL GiVe mY fRaGnAnCe To ThE GoOd PpL wHo SmELl Me, BuT I’lL wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
iS It PosSiBlE fOr ThE LaMp To SaY “I’lL GiVe My LiGhT tO ThE GoOd PpL In ThIs RoOm, BuT I’Ll WiThHoLd It fRoM thE EvIl PpL?”
CaN A TrEe SaY, “I’lL GiVe My ShAdE tO tHe GoOd PpL wHo ReSt UnDeR mE, bUt I’Ll wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”

ThESe ArE iMaGeS Of wHaT lOve Is AbOuT
Its hard to live alone,
harder to choose sumone to luv,
but the hardest part of loving
is to admit tht u''ve fallen in luv
wid sum 1 who can never be urs
Mana k tere shaher ma hum se garib
km hoon gey!!
Biki jo teri wafa to phle kharid dar
hum hoon gey!!
Mujh pta nai apni kismat ka tujh paa
to sub se ameer hum hoon gey!!