The first time I laid

The first time I laid
The first time I laid me eyes on you I knew
We''d spend this life side by side
I still feel the same though you are far away
I swear you''ll always be my

Forever love.

Jun, 14 2010     182 chars (2 sms)     2194 views       Love

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D se dil
D se dilagi
D se dewangi
D se dard
D se dosti
D se dushmani
Per D se itna bhi Door mat hojana k
D se meri dil ki Dharkan ruk jaye
Is iT PoSsIbLe FoR tHe RoSe To SaY “I’lL GiVe mY fRaGnAnCe To ThE GoOd PpL wHo SmELl Me, BuT I’lL wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”
iS It PosSiBlE fOr ThE LaMp To SaY “I’lL GiVe My LiGhT tO ThE GoOd PpL In ThIs RoOm, BuT I’Ll WiThHoLd It fRoM thE EvIl PpL?”
CaN A TrEe SaY, “I’lL GiVe My ShAdE tO tHe GoOd PpL wHo ReSt UnDeR mE, bUt I’Ll wItHhOlD iT fRoM tHe BaD ?”

ThESe ArE iMaGeS Of wHaT lOve Is AbOuT
A Ball is
Escaped From a Bat.
A Rat is
Escaped From a
From my
Sometimes i wonder what life wud b like if i never met u..
Coz 1 year down the line.. i''ve never loved anybody else..
as much as i love u.. I love u more than life itself..
See there''s this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It''s the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me."
ekh ke wo muje tera palke juka dena,
yaad bahut aye tera muskura dena,
kese bhulau wo sari bate, wo mithi rate, wo mulakate
Love is the only thing u can''t control, once it is in your heart & soul.
What is a soulmate?
It''s like a best friend but more.
It''s that one person that knows u better than anyone else.
Someone who makes you a better person, actually..they don''t make u a better person, u do that yourself. They inspire you.
A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever.
The person who knew you and accepted you, before anyone else did.
Or when no one else would.
And no matter what happens, you will always love them. And nothing could ever change that.
sweet attractive kind of grace,

A full assurance given by looks,

Continual comfort in a face,

The lineaments of Gospel books;

I trow that countenance cannot lie,

Whose thoughts are legible in the eye.
People Say That We Dont Understand The Value

Of Our Close Ones Until We Lose Them!

Its Wrong, We Know Their Value But

We Never Think That We Can Lose Them!
''What Upsets Me Is Not

That You Lied To Me,

But That From Now On

I Can Longer

Believe You.
Shadi Se Pehle"

Boy:Kash Wo Din Jald Aye.
Girl:Tm Muje Chor Nhi DoGe?
Boy:Nhi Esa Sochna B MaT.
.........Girl:Will U Miss Me?
Girl:TumHari ZindaGi Mei Koi Aur To Nhi?
Boy:No Not aT All.
Girl:Do U Love Me?
Boy:Yes Dear.
Girl:Oh Dear.


"Shadi K Baad"

Ab Ye StaTus Nechey Se Uper ParHen.