Once you have

Once you have
Once you have loved, You will always love. For
what''s in your mind may escape, but what''s in
your heart will remain forever. There is no
instinct like that of the heart.

Jun, 12 2010     175 chars (2 sms)     2288 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

We Love
Ourself even
after doing
many misTaKeS,
Then How
can we hate
other 4 their
only one MisTakE,
So think. . . .
U hate Someone.,.,!
True Love Is When
Everything In the World Is Going Wrong,
All U Have To Do Is Look At That Special Persom
Everything In The World Is Right Again . . .
LovE is Not HoW LonG U''ve BeeN 2gEthEr;
nOt HoW MucH U''ve GIvEn oR RecEivE;
Not hOw MaNy TimEs U''ve HeLpEd EaCh OthEr
--- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...
"Wo hum se khafa hain
k hum dosron ko dekh kr Q muskuraty hain"


"koi un se Bhi to poochey
K wo har ik ki surat mei hamein Q nazar aaty hain.
Without Love -- dayz are
shatterday.. so be in Luv everyday...
Wish u a Happy Valentine's Day
y0n chup se na raha kar0,
y0n kham0sh se j0 h0 jatay h0,
dil k0 weham sa h0 jata hai...
kahin khafa t0 nahi h0,
kahin udaas t0 nahi h0...
tum b0ltay achay lagtay h0,
tum dantay achay lagtay h0...
kabi shararat se kabi ghusay se,
kabi hanstay achay lagtay h0...
sun0! tum achay lagtay h0....
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, Show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m Important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How Important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I Love U
Never leave the one you like for the one you love cuz the one u
like will leave you for the one they love!!!!
''CRY'' Is A Love Detecter.

When Sum1 Makes You Cry It Shows

That How Much You Love Them

And If Someone Crys

For You It Shows Their Love For You
LOVE Is When
You Look Into
Someone''s Eyes ...
See Everything You Need ...
Shaam chirago se saja rakkhi hain.. Shart logo se laga rakkhi hain, shayad aa jaye koi humse bhi zyada pyasa, yahi sochkar thodi si bacha rakkhi hain.......
Somewhere,sum1 dreams

of your smile

& finds your presence in life

so worthwhile.

So when your lonely,

remember its true that

some1,somewhere, is thinking of u.