Great words by DEAD

Great words by DEAD
Great words by DEAD LOVER from HEAVEN

"I wud have been alive
if u would have given the rose
before rather than keeping
it on my grave today"

Jun, 12 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2069 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Some people in life are a part of us,

Even though we Miss them,

We never Lose them bcoz we find

The Memories of time Spent

Together still living in us
Love is always bestowed

as a gift

freely, willingly

and without expectation

We don''t love to be loved

we love to love
Luv Cums Again N Again

4those Who Knw Wt "LIFE IS..! "


4those Who Know Wt "LOVE IS.
My heart, it speaks a thousand words
I feel eternal bliss
The roses pout their scarlet mouths
Like offering a kiss
No drop of rain, no glowing flame
Has ever been so pure
If being in love can feel like this
Then I''m in love for sure
Milney ka waada unke moun se to nikal hi gaya,,

!! WASI !!

~ Hum ne poochi jaga to hans k kahney lagi khawab main aa jana
FiRsT NiTe



I KnEw

LoVe''s SwEEtEr ThAn MoUnTaiN DeW

A pRoMiSe I mAdE and'' WiLL kEEp

2 LoVe YOU aLwAys.
sumtymz itz harder 2 say ''no"
wen i really mean yes
sumtyms itz harder to close eyes
wen i really want to c. ..
but d hardest moment is to let go sumone
wen i really want him to stay.. .. : (
I am standing alone in the crowd,
Surrounded by people & music so loud.
My loneliness vanishes in a while,
As I think of U & Ur lovely smile.
If It All Falls Apart ,

I''ll Know Deep
In My Heart

The Only Dream That

Had Come True

In This Life,
I Was Loved By You ...
Who stole the stars & put them in your eyes?
Got a name or shall i call you mine?
love is a constant battle between heart and mind
true love is when they agree.
Touch my heart & u will feel,
Listen to my heart & u will hear,
Look into my heart & u will see that
U will alwayz be a special part of me