Deep Love Delight Come across the moor with me, in the bright moonlight, with no fear or fright, I'll show you all my heart, ...with my deep love anClose Your Eyes ....,Relax Your Body.... 'n Stop Breathing As Long As You Can... Now Breath... I Miss You As Much As You Missed The Air..! A
i cant hide it 4rm u anymore I dont want to hrt u I feel its best
to tell u
before u hear it from someone else
its a lie that i miss u
really i jst feel u as a part of myself
Wen things go wrong... Wen sadness fills ur heart... wen tears flow in ur eyes... always remember 3 things 1) I'm wid u... 2) Still wid u... 3) Will ALWAYS b...
God gave u 2 legs to walk,
2 hands to hold,
2 ears to hear,
2 eyes to see.
But why did he give u only 1 Heart?
Probably bcoz he wants u to look for the other.
What shall I do with all the days and hours
That must be counted ere I see thy face?
How shall I charm the interval that lowers
Between this time and that sweet time of grace?