Kitab-e-dil pe likhay

Kitab-e-dil pe likhay
Kitab-e-dil pe likhay thay kitnay he afsanay
kuch qisse naye thay aur kuch berson puranay

Kuch un ka zikr jo kabhi rug-e-jaan se they qareeb
kuch wo jo aaj bhi lagtay hain begaanay

Kaash aisi koi rut koi moosam aaye
khushiyon bhare geet hum lagein gungunanay

Aaj bhi dil mera is aas pe zinda hia
aik roz to aayein wo hum ko mananay

Safha-e-dil ko koi humare perh ker dekhay
khoon-e-jiger se likhay hain sab afsaanay

Guzra howa zamana bhula do zehen se apnay
aatay nahi loat k beetay howe zamanay

Jun, 11 2010     516 chars (4 sms)     2478 views       Miss You

more Miss You SMS Messages

• Good Time
Bad Time
Day Time
Work Time
Off Time
Night Time
Happy Time
Sad Time
Sleep Time
In the Mean Time

I Miss U All The Time
( )" " "( ) ( )""*( )
("( "o" ) ( "o" )")

. Every time I say "how are you"
I''m Sitting Alone

Lonely & Feeling So Blue

I Dream Of You , Miss You Bad


Hoping My Dreams

Would Come True ...
Arzoo yeh nahi k gham ka tofan tal jay
Fiqar tu yeh hay k tumhara dil na badal jay
Kabhi bhi mujh ko agar bhulana chaho tum
Tu dard itna dena k mera dum nikal jay
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi,
sometimes I forget 2 reply,
sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u,
but it doesn"t mean I forget u.
I"m just giving u time to Miss me
The purpose of relationship is not to have sum1 who might complete u,
but to have some1 with whom u might share ur incompleteness!
Mizz U!!
Tamana koi bi mere dil ki poori Na hui.Chahat ka koi afsana Na bana. Aaj fir
chali gai zindgi nazron Ke samne se Or us se baat karne ka koi bahana Na bna .
Sometimes, I 4get 2 say hi.
Sumetimes, I even miss 2 reply.
Sumetimes, my msg doesn''t reach u.
I''m just giving u time 2 miss m
Have a heart that never hardens
have a smile that never fades
have a touch that never burnt
and have friendship that never breaks
If you feel tired and Pain in ur legs...
Its Just because you come and go Many times in my Mind, miss You !!
tere bin .. i cant live

tere bin .. i cant win

tere bin .. i will die

so "miss u jaan"
Worst Part Of Life Is Missing Someone. . .


U Know What The Best Part Of Life Is. . .

To Have Someone Worth ''''Missing''''