Wen things go wrong... Wen sadness fills ur heart... wen tears flow in ur eyes... always remember 3 things 1) I'm wid u... 2) Still wid u... 3) Will ALWAYS b...
You mu$t be a good runner becau$e you are alway$ running in my mind,
you mu$t be a good thief becau$e you have $tolen my heart,
and i am alway$ a bad $hooter becau$e I Mi$s You Alway$.....
What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we
feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not
around us. I Miss U!
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile & Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME!