Bhulana Sakoo Gay Mujhe Bhool Kar Tum
Mein Aksar Tumhein Yaad Ata Rahonga
Kabhi Khuwab Ban Kar Kabhi Yaad Ban Kar
Mein Neendein Tumhari Churata Rahonga
What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we
feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not
around us. I Miss U!
Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my msg doesn''t reach u,
But, it doesn''t mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss m
What Makes A Frindship Special Is The Way Each One Remembers The Other When They Are Apart. They Miss The Talks, The Laughs N The Time They Spent Together. Life Changes, Memories Don''t.
I Miss U.