Day by day teri

Day by day teri
Day by day teri khusiya ho jaye Double,
Teri zindagi se delete ho jaye sare Trouble,
Khuda rakkhe humesha tujhe Smart & Fit,
Teray liye New Year ho Super-Duper Hit!!

Jun, 11 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     2136 views       New Year

more New Year SMS Messages

* * *NEW YEAR* * *

Going To Be Started . . .
& I Wanna Be The 1st Person

Who''ll Wish U

12 Months Of Happiness. . .

52 Weeks Of Fun . . .

365 Days Of Success. . .

8,760 Hours Of Good Health . . .

525,600 Minutes Of Good Luck . . .

3,153,600 Seconds Of Smiling . . .

HaPpy NeW YeaR . . .
Allah Bless U N Keep U Safe
Not Only Today But Through Life That is coming In Ur Way.
May Year To Follow Be Among The Best U ve Ever Spend.
Naye saal aaye banke ujale,
Khul jaye aap ki kismat ka tale,
Hamesha aap pe rahe meherban Oparwale,
Chand tare bhi aap pe hi rosni dale.
Happy New year.
Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar,
Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Towhar,
Es ummid ka sath aao bhulke sare Gum
New Year 2008 ko Hum Sab kare WEL-COME!
LeTs GaThEr ArOuNd & CeLeBrAtE d DaWn Of SpArKlInG nEw YeAr
MaY iT bRiNg GiFtS oF jOyS, gOoD hEaLtH & sUrPrIsEs

BeSt WiShEs FoR d 1st MoRnInG oF 2010 (=
This is to formally announce that i have started accepting new year gifts& cash ,cheques dd and choclates.Avoid the rushstart sending now




*NEW YEAR 2007*
At the end of da year.
Thanx to those who hated me,
they made me a stronger person.

Thanx to those who loved me,
they made my heart bigger.

Thanx to those who were worried about me,
they let me know that they cared about me.

Thanx to those who left me,
they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.

Thanx to those who entered my life never left,
they made me know who i am.
Special thanks to all my friends,
who supp0rted me thr0ugh0ut da
year.. (:->
H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (dont'' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years
Wish You A...Great,Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright,
Delightful, Mind Blowing, Energetic, Terrific & Extremely
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
Saal Ka Aakhri Din Hy

Abhi Kuch Dhuup Hy Lekin

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy

Chalo Mil beth Ker Apne
Khasare Baant Lete Hyn

Sab Hi Rung aur Jugnuu Aur
Sitaare Baant Lete Hyn

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy

Tou Kyun Na Kuch Shaam Se Pehly

Jo Kuch Ghariya'n Muya'asar Hyn

Unhii Mein Zindagi Ker Le'n

Kisi Ehsaas Ki Sham'ma Jala K

In Andhero'n Mein

Koi Daam Roshni Ker Le'n

Chalo Hum Dosti Ker Le'n

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy ... !!!