Plz Fil This 4 Me

Plz Fil This 4 Me
Plz Fil This 4 Me
Koi Achai:
Koi Burai:
1 Advice:
1 Rquest:
1 Wish:
1 Jhot:
1 Sach:
1 Umeed:
1 Bat Jo Pehle Kbi Na Kahi Ho
B Frank & True.
Plz..Ok Reply Me

Jun, 10 2010     167 chars (2 sms)     3365 views       Q n A

more Q n A SMS Messages

Q. Which alphabet is a question?
ans. y (WHY)
... See More
Q. Which alphabet is fly?
ans. B (BEE)

Which alphabet is a part of face?
ans. I (EYE)

Which alphabet is a tool?
ans. X (AXE)

Which alphabet is a drink?
ans.T (TEA)

Which alphabet is in geometry box?
ans. D(because a protractor is D shaped)

Which alphabet is a source of salt?
ans. C (SEA)
Q : Sana ne Without any reason train ki Zanjeer kehnch dii But ause koi Fine nahi Hova Kaise ????

Ans : Kyonke Train Station Pe Khari Hoi Thi LOLxx. Funny Answer :)
Q.Agar Ap Se wo insan " I LOVE U"Kahe jise se ap pyar nahi karte

to kis tarha aap usay kahoge k me tmse pyar nahi karta aur uska dil bhi na tutay.
reply must
What wil u select 4 my personality..?

1.Blue Bangles
2.White Dress
3.Red Lipstick
4.Pink Earings
5.Silver Ring
6.Black Eye Makeup
7.Golden Shoes.

Reply.. Then i''ll tell u the answer..!

Blue Bangles: U think Im gud lukinG
White Dress:U think Im religious
Red Lipstick: U think Im hot Pink
Pink Earings: U think Im funky
Silver Ring: U love me
Black Eye Makeup: U think Im sexy
Golden Shoes: U think Im boring!
Maths Magic:
Ur Cell Numbers Last Digit X 2 + 5 X 50 + UR Age + 365 & - 615.
The Last 2 Numbers of UR Answer is UR AGE, & !st Number is UR CELL''S LAST NUMBER.
Q : Woh Kon sa Gunnah (Sin) Kabeera hai Jiss ki Tauba nahi ??

( Shirk sab se Bara gunnah Kabeera hai Lekin Aus ki Tauba ki Ja Sakti hai )

Ans :

Woh Gunnah KhudhKhsui Hai Yani Sucide.. Coz Aap Ko Tuba Karni Ki Muhlaat Milti Nahi Orr Ager Aap Tuba Kar Sako tu Woh Khudkhushi Hi Nahi :)
Woh kia hai jo Politician Intihabat sey pehley awam ko detey hein aur wo cheez baad mein toot jaati hai?

"Waadey" aur "Khawab"
Today Is World Red Rose Day.

If U Luv My Frndshp Give 1 Missed Call

N Snd Tis 2 Al Ur Friend
N See Hw Many Missed Call U Get
A - Roses
B - Tension
C - Understanding
D - Heart
E - Romance
F - Fight
G - Care
H - Money
I - Respect
J - Nothing
K - Freedom
L - Kids
M - Suche Mhbt
N - Satsfaction
O - Posesivens
P - Friendship
Q - Gifts
R - Chocolates
S - Lots of Love (Gud Luck)
T - Pain
U - Happiness
V - Rudeness
W - Kisses
X - Tears
Y - Attitude
Z - Forever Love
Let me tell u rPersonality,
which 1 do u like?

1.White Cloud
2.Blue Sea
3.Black Universe
6.Pink Rose
Choose One
rply me...
1. Whats Best In Me?
2. Whats Bad In Me?
3. Whats My Name In Your Cell?
4. I Am Your?
5. I Am Just Like A?
6. What You Wich For Me?

SenD tO yoUrS FrieNDS AnD GeT CraZZy AnSweR...
Today is Heart Voice Day..

Aaj app ke dil main merey liye jo bhi hai keh do, I don''t mind..

I am waiting for your reply..!!