If love is your

If love is your
"If love is your weakest point then you r the strongest person in the world."

Abraham Lincoln

Jun, 10 2010     97 chars (1 sms)     1990 views       Quatations

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You are the one
Who can better
handle your heart
that anyone else.
So don''t give it to
someone else and
complain that
"They Are Hurting It"
"The whole of life, from the moment you are born
to the moment you die, is a process of learning."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
~* A Great Feeling Quote *~

S o m e

O f

U s

F e e l

T h e

R a i n ,

O t h e r s

J u s t

G e t

W e t
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you
Life spent with someone for a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent with someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!
Violence won’t solve a thing. It makes it more challenging to solve, though.
"Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves
that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
"Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber
Holy Angels guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number
Gently falling on thy head."
-Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling
Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared to believe that soething inside then was superior to circumstances, so believe in urself!
"love is a chain of love as nature is a chain of life"
"We all live with the objective of being happy;
our lives are all different and yet the same."
-Anne Frank (1929-1945)