D Rising Sun
Its Age Iz Old
Yt Alwys New &
Lightng Up d Wrld
Touchng Us Wid Soft
Lovng Warm Rays
Let Its Energy Flow
Through U
As U Embrace A New
Day :)
Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision,
but today well lived makes everyday a dream of happiness
& every tom a vision of hope. Luk well, therefore to this day.
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be
swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every
moment He cares for you all the way.:-)
Success is waking up in d morning n bounding out of bed
dere''s something out dere th8
U luv 2 do, th8 U believe in, th8 U r gud @,
sumhthng th8z bigger thn U r
U can hardly w8 2 get it agn...