• If life is a game

• If life is a game
• If life is a game, I wish you to win. If life is a journey, I wish you to walk on roses. If life is a joy, I wish you to always smile. Have a great & successful day.

Jun, 08 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     1942 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear
They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here...!

G o_O d
M o r n i n g (:

Stay Blessed
Gud Morning My Frnd
Ts A New Day
I Hope Thngs Get
For Diz I Did Pry
May All Of Ur Problems
B Out On Their Way
On Dis Brite Mrning
Th8 Starts Dis New Day
Good Morning to All..!
It''s not presence of sumone dat brings meaning to life,
but it''s d way dat sumone touches ur soul.
which gives life a beautiful "MEANING".
A warm hello doesn’t come from the lips,
It comes from the heart,
Doesn’t have to be told,
It has to be shown,
Doesn’t have to be given,
It has to be sent.
''''Good Morning''''
I went to sleep last night with a smile

because I knew I''d be dreaming of you.

But I woke up this morning with a smile

because you weren''t a dream. . .

Good Morning . . . :)
A Smile Is A Way Of Writing Ur Thoughts On Ur Face
Telling Others That They Are Accepted, Like & Appriciated
So Here’s A Big Smile Just For U
Gud Morning
A Master Humourist Is One Who Makes People Laugh At His Own Expences . . .

Try To Become Humourist Of Your Surrounder. . .

G o_o d
Morning [=
Get up from ur Softy Softy Bed

Open ur teeny weeny eyes,

wear that jolly wolly smile,
and say to urself


Have A Nice DaY n All The Best:-*
A New Day Beginning Is Perhapes d Best Time 2 Say
It''s So Nice To Know U
Here''s Wishing Our Friendship
Continues 2 Grow In Every Dayz To Come

Good Morning ...
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes
you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you. Gd morning
Phoolon ne Amrit ka jaam bheja hai, Sooraj ne gagan se Salam
bheja hai, Mubarak ho Aapko nayi subhah, Tahe-Dil se Humne
ye Paigaam bheja hai Good Morning
As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower U lots of luv & happiness to make ur day a meaningful one.

Good Morning!