No Ma88er Wh8

No Ma88er Wh8
No Ma88er Wh8 Happens 2day...
You Must Remember That
2day Will Be 2morrow''s Past
2morrow Will Be 2day

gOoOd MoRnInG

Have A Blessed Day (-:

Jun, 07 2010     154 chars (1 sms)     2028 views       Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the
heavens to shower U lots of luv & happiness to make ur day a
meaningful one. Good Morning!
Value of relation is not how much

you feel happy with someone,

But it is that how much someone

feels ALONE without you!

Good morning.
SORRY.... SORRY.... SORRY.....SORRY....Dont get confused,
oh Ho SORRY means: S-Some,O-One Is,R-Really,R-Rememberinhg
Y-You.....Have A wonderful day.... Good Morning
sending you 10000 smiles.....take 1 for now & keep the remaining
9999 under your pilow and take one every morning becoz i want to
see you smiling every day......Good Morning
Dews on a Rose is the Tears of the Night to give way to Morning. I keep them in my Hand to throw it on ur Face to Wake U up. Good Morning...
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U.....
Not because they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**Good morning**

Friend nahi to life waste,
Salt nahi to food waste,
Story nahi to cinema waste,
Mera SMS nahi to tera cell waste...!GOOD MORNING
JuSt Go OuTsIdE
sEe ThRoUgH uR

hOw PlEaSnT sCeNe
iT iS

jUsT lOoK @ mOoN &
FeEl ThE cOoL wInD

tHeY aLl ArE hErE tO
gReEt u A sHwEeT nItE (:
One of the joys in life
is waking up each day
with thoughts that somewhere
Someone cares enough to
send a warm morning greeting...
A Big Hello &
Gud Morning2 My
Sweet Loving
Sugar-coated Choco
Milky Shaky Honey
Cheezy Melting
Orange Juicy Fruti
Spicy Icy Frnd
Have A Yummy Day ... (:
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to
U.....Not bcoz they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!
**Good morning**
Raat Pe Sawera Chaa

Suraj Roshni K Saath
Aa Gaya

Ye Mahol Subha Ka
Sab Hi Ko Bha Gaya

Aur Aap Ne Aankh Kholi


Msg Humara Aa Gaya

Good Morning .. :)


bismilla kraan !



sadqy jawan !


Jaag gay oo !


tehr jao !!!

menu gööd mö


ty wish kr len 2...

Tannu lakh lakh