ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD n SiNcErE
In oUr LiVeS
iS lIkE
tHe ImPoRtAnCe Of
ThEy aRe NoT vIsIbLe
tHeY sIlEnTlY sUpPoRt
OuR lIfE ... (:
frindeship not an eaxam to pa$s or fail..
Frinde$hip i$ not a competition to win or Lo$e..
It i$ feeling in wich yo care for $am one more than your$elf.....
Awesome Self Respect Line I Have
Ever Heard...
"If its going to be hard
for People to Choose between Me 'n
Someone Else
I would allow them to Choose the Other One
I 'm not an OPTION".. !
What is real but invisible? Ur love… What is true but unfair? Ur away from me… What is sweet but invincible? Ur smile… What is precious but priceless? Ur friendship…
A lucky star dropped on the Earth 1 night it asked me
what did i want a million dollars or a true friend
i choose a million dollars becoz i already have U
yun rooth jana acha nahe lagta,
yun tarpna acha nahe lagta,
mairey dil main jo baat ha,
mairi aankhoon sey chura lo,
mujay har baat btana acha nahe lagta...