To kya hua aj agr wo mere saath nai h!

To kya hua aj agr wo mere saath nai h!
To kya hua aj agr wo mere saath nai h!
Me aj bi us se utni hi mohabbat krta hu
ar is liye nhi ki koi aur nhi mili
pr is liye ki us se mohabbat krne se
fursat hi nhi miltii

Mar, 31 2013     171 chars (2 sms)     2463 views       Love

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A Funny Thought
About Love

"L O V E"

Is Like The

"M E A S L E S"

We All Have To

Go Through It ... :)
Love knows no reasons,
love knows no lies.
Love defies all reasons,
Love has no eyes.
But love is not blind,
Love sees but doesn''t mind.
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
Forever Means Forever... And Not Just A Couple Of Days... You Promised Me Forever... But Forever Didn''t Stay... Once You Said You Loved Me, But I Guess That Was A Lie... Never Say Forever... Cause Forever Makes Me Cry.
LoVe Is MuCh LiKe

A WiLd RoSe ,

BeAuTiFuL aNd CaLm


wIlLiNg To DrAw BlOoD

In ItS dEfEnSe ...
Kabhi Mujh Ko Saath Lekar, Kabhi Mere Saath Chal Kar
Woh Badal Gaye Achaanak Meri Zindagi Badal Kar

Huye Jis Pey Meharaban Tum Koi Khush Nasib Hoga
Meri Hasaratein To Nikalin Mere Ansuuon Mein Dhal Ke

Teri Zulf-O-Rukh Kay Qurban Dil-E-Zaar Dhuundhata Hai
Wahi Champai Ujaale Wahi Suramai Dhundalake

Koi Phool Bun Gaya Hai Koi Chaand Koi Taara
Joh Chiraag Bujh Gaye Hain Teri Anjuman Mein Jal Ke

Mere Dosto Khudara Mere Saath Tum Bhi Dhuundo
Woh Yahin Kahin Chhupey Hain Mere Ghum Kaa Rukh Badal Kay

Teri Bejhijhak Hansi Say Na Kisi Kaa Dil Ho Mailaa
Yeh Nagar Hai Aainon Kaa Yahaan Saans Le Sambhal Ke
\... An Unbeatable QuOte .../

i Saw U Sitting And Crying...
So I asked U WHy ...?
U Didn''t Answer...

I Tried To Hold Ur Hand ...
But u Walked Away ...
Wiping Ur Tears ...
Then i Realised U Were
Sitting On My Grave.../
Tare tikhe nain sohnaya,
Mere dil te karde war.
Ehna palka Nu uchiyan kar sajna,
Apan dove kar laye payar.
NeVeR qUeStIoN

If YoU aRe In
LOVE oR nOt ...


If YoU wErE

YoU wOuLdN''T NeEd To AsK ... (:
Those Who Can Live Without Love

Are Not Ready

For The World Of Aspiration.
"My voice is too soft for you to hear.
My actions are too weak for you to see.
But if you would only listen carefully,
you''ll hear the sound of my heart
that says from now ''til forever,
I''ll always be here...."
May no gift be too small to give,

nor too simple to receive,

which is wrapped in thoughtfulness


tied with love.