Saal Ka Aakhri Din Hy...

Saal Ka Aakhri Din Hy...
Saal Ka Aakhri Din Hy

Abhi Kuch Dhuup Hy Lekin

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy

Chalo Mil beth Ker Apne
Khasare Baant Lete Hyn

Sab Hi Rung aur Jugnuu Aur
Sitaare Baant Lete Hyn

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy

Tou Kyun Na Kuch Shaam Se Pehly

Jo Kuch Ghariya'n Muya'asar Hyn

Unhii Mein Zindagi Ker Le'n

Kisi Ehsaas Ki Sham'ma Jala K

In Andhero'n Mein

Koi Daam Roshni Ker Le'n

Chalo Hum Dosti Ker Le'n

Zara Si Dair Ko Tey Hy k
Aakhir Shaam Hona Hy

Haqeeqat Ya Kahani Jo Bhi Hy
Anjaam Hona Hy ... !!!

Jan, 02 2012     628 chars (4 sms)     6852 views       New Year

more New Year SMS Messages

The Glurious Year of MY Life to B ended

Today.FORGIVE all of my Miss Behavior

with U,

and make the New year joyfull 4 other.


Of the year
A Relaxed Mind, A Peaceful Soul, A Joyful Spirit, A Healthy
Body & Heart full of Love..All these are my Prayers for You..
Wish a Happy New Year 2008.
Merry Christmas,
Enjoy New Year,
Happy Easter,
Good luck on Valentines,
Spooky Halloween & Happy Birthday
Now bug off and don"t annoy me for the next 12 months!!!!
Fill ur life with Happiness & Bright Cheer,
Bring to u Joy and Prosperity for the whole Year,
And it"s my New Year wish 4u Dear...
May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to
explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the
days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality
and all your efforts into great achievements.
I feel that very soon everything between U n me is coming to end. Even if u want me I''m not going to come back into your life again. Yours faithfully, year 2007
2010 is coming Before 2009 ends,
let me thanx all the good people like u,
who made 2009 beautiful for me.
I pray u b blessed with faithful year a head.
I wish u a

fantastic JANUARY

Love able FEBRUARY

Marvelous MARCH

Foolish APRIL

Enjoyable MAY

Successful JUNE

Wonderful JULY

Indepedent AUGUST

Powerful september

Tastiest OCTOBER

Beautiful NOVEMBER

Happiest DECEMBER.

Hope i m 1st person to wish u happy 12 months of 2010:)
Allah Bless U N Keep U Safe
Not Only Today But Through Life That is coming In Ur Way.
May Year To Follow Be Among The Best U ve Ever Spend.
Noton bochor asok niya noton noton aasa
Prithibite choriya dik sudue valobasa.
Hana hani,Vedavad sob kichu voli
Aso soba mila misa Sot potha choli.
Sobaika New Year ar Soveccha.
= = = DuA = = =

Ya Allah Tujh se Maangta Hoon
Aisi Maafi Jis K Baad Koi Gunah Na Ho

Aisi Hidayat Jis K Baad Koi Gumrahi Na Ho

Aisi Raza Jis K Baad Narazgi Na Ho

Aisi Rehmat Jis K Baad Azaab Na Ho

Aisi Kamyaabi Jis K Baad Nakami Na Ho

Aisi Izzat Jis K Baad Zillat Na Ho . . .

Naya Islami Saal Mubarak . . .
Let the new year b a year of freedom from sin,
a year of service, a year of trust in God,
and it will b a happy year from first 2 last.
It may b da hardest year we have known,
bt it will b the happiest.

Wish you Happy New Year
A New Year"s resolution is something that goes in one year and
out the other.