“DOSTI mosam nahi, keh
apni muddat pori karay orr
rukhsat ho jay,
DOSTI sawan nahi, keh
toot kar barsay or
tham jae,
DOSTI aag nahi, keh
sulgy bharkey or
bujh jae,
DOSTI aftab nahi, keh
chamkey or
doob jae,
DOSTI phool nahi, keh
khiley or
phir murjha jae,
DOSTI to saans hai jo chaley to sab kuch
toot jae to kuch bhi nahi…….. …

Mar, 31 2011     346 chars (3 sms)     2921 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

My Friendship Means ...

A Little Heart That
Neva Hates

A Cute Smile That
Neva Fades

A Smooth Touch That
Neva Shakes


A Strong Relation That
Never Breaks :)
Sometimes In Life
V Run So Fast That
V Don''t Notice Anyone
Running With Us
V Notice THEM Only
Whn V Fall & THEY
Stop To Pick Us Up ...

THEY r Called
fRiEnDz.. :)
Khuda se koi baat anjaan nahi hoti,
jab insaan ki bandagi beimaan nahi hoti,
kabhi maanga hoga aapne 1 pyara sa dost,
yu hi aapki hamse pehchaan nahi hoti!!
A single candle can illuminate an entire room.
A true friend lights up an entire lifetime
Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud. I am arrived at last in the presence of a man so real and equal, that I may drop even those undermost garments of dissimulation, courtesy, and second thought, which men never put off, and may deal with him with the simplicity and wholeness with which one chemical atom meets another.
Friendship is not how you forget.,but how you forgive. . .
Not how you listen, But how you understand. . .
Not how you see, But how you feel. . .
And not how you let go, But how you hold. . .
Freiends are part of life . . .
Some times I feel tears in your laughing
Some times I feel sadness in your happiness

But It is true friendship when you know unexpressed emotions of your friend
True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally. Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what the circumstances are. Best Friends are the people worth living for.
Time Might Lead Me
Sumwhere Away 4m
U & Fate Might Wipe
Me 4m Ur Memory...
BUT I Will Always B
Thankful 2 God Dat
Once In A Life''s Jorney
V Bcame
FRIENDS... <-:
Best lines said by a cute friend:

It hurts me wen U talk 2 someone else and not 2 ME,
It hurts more when some1 else makes U smile and i cant.,
Ek hassi jo hasaa de
ek chaahat jo samaj le
har aahat jo jaan le
usi rishte ka naam hai
it is for u my sweet friend.............KISI KI TALASH.WAIT WAIT
A bEsT fRiEnD
iSn''T sOmEoNe,
WhO iS jUsT aLwaYz
tHeRe fOr YoU ...
It''S sOmEoNe wHo
uNdErSaTnDs YoU
a BiT mOrE tHaN
YoU uNdErStAnD
yOurSeLf ... (=