Half of sorrows

Half of sorrows
Half of sorrows we earn by expecting good things from wrong people.


Half of sorrows We earn by expecting wrong things from good people...!


Mar, 31 2011     164 chars (2 sms)     3060 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

DrEam eAcH dAy At
YoUr fUlLeSt


LiVe As

If It Is GoIng tO bE
tHe FuLleSt ...

GoOd NiGht

SwEeT dReAmz ... :)
I Wish That U Visualize
A Sweet Multi
Sequential Form
Of Idiosyncrasy
In d Meritorious Piece
Of Cerebral Brain
In Short
Good Night (:
;''= ( """"""""!"=l
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Pee! Pee! Peem..
Sorry My Sms Was In Traffic Jam
So Late To Wish
To Whom It May Concern: Please be notified that the most beautiful creation of God is preparing to sleep... Send your greetings now while she''s still awake. Good night! :)
cover blanket tight tight
As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i''m here to wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile,
KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close
ur @@ eyes, n sleep tite!







Macchar Hai,
Maar Do Aur So Jao.

Gud Nite
If YoU cRy BeCaUsE tHe SuN

HaS gOnE oUt Of YoUr LiFe

YoUr TeArZ wIlL pReVeNt YoU

FrOm SeEiNg tHe StArZ ...

GuD nItE
ShWeEeT dReAmZzZ ... (=
Night Is A Wonderful Opportunity
2 Pray
2 Love
2 Care
2 Sleep
And To Thank All The Blessings We Received Good Night And Sweet Dreamz
Real friends are not those
who are always around when everything’s almost perfect.
They’re the one’s who dig deep when you’re down
just to pull you up and say,
"Everything’s gonna be alright.."

Good Night
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true... goodnite & sweet dreams 2 you
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight!
No matter how tough the world may seem,
u still deserve the sweetest dream