Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice....
but for those who love....
Sacrifice is greater
than Love,
Character is greater
than Beauty,
humanity is greater
than Wealth,
Nothing is greater than
Good Relations..
And Good Relations
don''t necessarily
mean finding
Its just about
Differences .. (:
Sumtymz We Think Of
Why Frendz Keep
4wrding Msgs To Us
Widout Speaking Words ?
The Reason Is Dat,
Daily They Have
Nothing To Say
Still Want To
Keep In Touch ... (:
Talk 2 me wen I’m Bored, B with me wen i’m Sad, Hug me wen i Cry, Care 4 me wen i’m Sick, Don’t ever cry 4 me wen I die! Just treasure me wen I’m ALIVE.
I pray for you...
A life that you truly deserve, A life as good as your heart, A life as bright as your smile, A life as wonderful as you.
Have a Wonderful Day!!
u seem to be much careless nowdays...
alwayz leaving your things here and
c what hav u done now u just came in
my mind and left a smile on my face.
If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don''t accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend......