Poor people travel in

Poor people travel in
Rich people
travel in

Poor people
travel in

But sweet
Travel in Hearts !!

continue ur journey in my heart.

Jun, 19 2010     148 chars (1 sms)     3425 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Butterflies Don’t Know The Colour Of Their Wings

But Our Eyes Know Ho Nice They Are

Like This U Don’t Know
How Good U Are

But I Know

U Are Special ?
Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I''ll always be thankful that once, along my life''s journey I had U in my heart...
4 Steps To Attain Success!

1st T H I N K.

2nd B E L I E V E.

3rd D R E A M .

4th D A R E.

Good L U C K.
Impossible is just a big word thrown
around by small men who find it easier
to live in the world they''ve been given
than to expolre the power they have
to change it.Impossible is not a fact.
It''s an opinion.It''s a dare.Impossible is
potential.Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing....
Being happy doesn''t mean that everything is perfect.

It means that you''ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. Gud Day!
Aap Ki Baato''n Ka
Aap k Naam Ki
Aap Se Dosti Ka
Aap K Sweet Se Sms Ka :)
Alwayz B Happy
Alwayz Wear A Smile
Not Because Life Is Full Of Reasons To Smile . . .
But Because Ur Smile Itself Is A Reason For Many Others Smile . . . :)
If An Egg Breaks Due 2 OUTSIDE Force!
"Inside Life ENDs!"
If it Breaks from inside! "Life Begins!"
"GREAT Things Always Begin from Inside!
So try to make your inside GOOD!
Earth and Heaven will pass away But Our''s word will never never never ever pass away.
Tree leaves do not look green forever,
Roses do not look fresh forever,
But I pray to ALLAH that
Smile on your lips stay forever.

Good Morning & Have A Nice Day
Life Is Short

Forgive Quickly,
Believe Slowly,
Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,


Never Regret Anything

That Made You Smile .
In the central place of every heart
there is a recording chamber.
So long as it receives a message
of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage --
so long are you young.
When the wires are all down
and our heart is covered
with the snow of pessimism
and the ice of cynicism,
then, and only then,
are you grown old.