This Msg Is 4m Hum

This Msg Is 4m Hum
This Msg Is 4m Hum 2 Tum


Hum is Missing Tum Very Much

Without Tum, Hum Is Very Lonely

So Tum Never Go Far From Hum


Hum Will Die Without Tum ... ;->

Jun, 19 2010     184 chars (2 sms)     2333 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

Delete My Name
From Ur

Delete My Msgs
From Ur Inbox

Only Keep Me

Ur Heart 4ever...
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, ''Where have I gone wrong?'' Then a voice says to me, ''This is going to take more than one night''.
The Most Difficult Lesson
To Larn In Life Is.....

Which Hand U Hold For
Ur Life Time.....


Which One To Break Off....
Daulat-Mandi Pardes Ko B Watan Jaisa Banah Daiti Hy

Aur Muflis Apnah He Watan Mai Par-Desi Hota Hy
Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams. Everyday starts with some expectation but surely ends with some experience-that's life!
Smile in Pleasure
Smile in Pain
Smile when trouble pours like Rain
Smile when someone Hurts U
Smile because SOMEONE
still Loves to see u Smiling
There''s A Wonderful Mythical Law Of Nature Dat The3 Things We Crave Most In Life ....
Happiness, Freedom & Peace Of Mind Are Always Attaind By Giving Them To SomeOne Else...
The happiest of people don''t necessarily have the
best of everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.
Never try alone 2 take the weight of tear that comes out of your heart and falls through your eyes..
Always Remember A friend here to share ups and down in life.
Exelent Quote:

Wen U Luv Ur Parents Its Equal 2 God,

Wen U Luv Ur Frnds Its Equal 2 Trutfulnes

But Wen U Luv Urself Its Equal 2 Confidence..
A SmIlE iS The

LiGhT iN Ur WinDow

Th8 tElLs OthEr''S

Th8 ThErE iS A

CaRinG, ShaRinG

PerSon InSidE.
us ny mughy prinda samjh kR is shaM k Andheron main Uraa diya.... ..


usay ye nhe pta k sham ko urny waly parinday kabhi loata nhe krty.