ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD aNd SiNcErE fRiEnDs
In OuR lIvEs Is LiKe
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF hEaRtBeAtS !
ThEy ArE nOt ViSiBlE,
ThEy SiLeNtLy SuPpOrT oUr LiFe... [=
If u drop me, i "ll break, If u hold me, i "ll shake,
If u need me, i"ll hurry, If u don"t call me, i "ll worry,
If u hurt me, i"ll cry, but friend , If u leave me, i "ll die...
Power and Wealth are fruits of life;
But Family and Friends are roots of life!
We can manage without the fruits;
But can never stand without the roots!