Friendship Is a

Friendship Is a
Friendship Is a Language Spoken By Heart
Not Written On Paper
Not Given By Pledge
It’s a Promise Renewed Every Time We Contact

Jun, 16 2010     130 chars (1 sms)     2074 views       Friendship

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D o n '' t M a k e

F r e n d

B e f o r e

U n d e r s t a n d i n g


D o n ''t B r e a k

F r i e n d s h i p

A f t e r
U n d e r s t a n d i n g
Birth is first of life,
beauty is art of life,
death is last of life,
friend ship is heart of life
FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn"T Be BoUgHt
Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS
FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!
Kon kehta hai k hum ap se gila krte hain
Jese milty hain wese mila krty hain
Hamari badnasibi pay mat jao ae mehboob
Kyu k phool aksar kanto pay khila krty hain
FrIeNsHiP iS Da OnLy ReLaTiOnShIp ThAt wE cAn "ChOoSe". . .
A tRuE fReNd iS SoMeOnE WhO sTaNdS bY u iNtHe DaRkEsT hOuR
"dOn''T wOrRy I aM hErE ! !"

Never shall I forget the time I spent with you.. .

Please continue to be my friend. . .

As you will always find me yours . . . :)
Making Friends Is Not Abt

Collecting Pearls Or Diamonds!

Its Abt Accepting One As Coal

N Wait Til D Warmth

Of Frndship

Turns It To Diamond.
Wishing To be Friends Is Quick Work


Friendship Is Slow Ripening Fruit ...
Heart never hate blood!

Flower never hate honey!

My heart never hate U & Ur Friendship
Mine Friendship For U Is A Journey

Starting At Forever


Ending At Never
A friendship doesn''t
shine by shaking
hands in the best times
It blossoms by holding
the hands firmly in
critical times ...
Indeed, True friendship
doesn''t require religion,
cast or culture similarity
Infact need a lot of
understanding blended
with extreme care, respect
and sacrifice .. (-,=)
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say,
It doesn"t start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow,
yesterday, today and everyday.