frindeship not an eaxam to pa$s or fail..
Frinde$hip i$ not a competition to win or Lo$e..
It i$ feeling in wich yo care for $am one more than your$elf.....
dosti ki raho mai kabhi akelapan na mile,
aai dost zindagi mai tumhe kabhi gum na mile,
dua karte hai hum khuda se,
tuhme jo bhi dost mile hUM se kam na mile.
1 best book is equal to 100 books,but 1 good friend is equal to library!
love is possible after friendship but friendship is not possible after love,because medicien works before death not after death.
A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The tear of eye that
wets ur pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure ! (: