When Does A Friend

When Does A Friend
When Does A Friend

Become A Best Friend?

When His Dialouge,

"I Care For U"

Converts Into

"I Will Kill U If U Don''t Care For Me"

Jun, 16 2010     148 chars (1 sms)     1985 views       Friendship

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Weakly One Day Holiday,

Monthly One Day Salary Day,

Yearly One Day Birthday,

Lifely One Day Death Day,

But Sharing


Is Every Day
Hearts could only luv for a while,
feet cud only walk for a mile,
clothes won"t forever be in style
but having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.
When A Person Can Find

Sorrow behind Your Smile

Words behind Your Silence

Love behind Your Anger

You Can Believe That Person

Is Your True Friend ... :)
When You Ask GOD
For A Gift,

Be Thankful If He Sends,

Not Diamonds, Pearl Or Riches,


The Love Of Real True Friends... :->
Ek achha dost agar 100 baar roothe to use 100 baar manao,
kyunki keemti motiyon ki maala jitni baar hbi toote
use pirona hi padta hai..
There was a definite process by which one made people into friends,
and it involved talking to them and listening to them for hours at a time.
A daily thought...

A silent tear...

A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep...

Memories of our frenship i''ll always keep!!
You can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together.
dosti hoti nahi bhool jane ke liye,
dost hote nahi bichhad jane ke liye,
dosti karke khush rahoge itna ki,
waqt nahi milega aansu bahane ke liye.
Jo hansa de...

jo rula de....

ek aarzoo
jo jaga de...

ek chahat
jo samja le...

har jo jaan le...
ka naam hai...

A Friend Worth Having,
A Task Worth Doing,
A Treasured Dream That''s Worth Pursuing,
A Truth Worth Giving,
A Faith Worth Sharing ...
Worth Living (=
Science has proved that sugar melts in water,

so plz don`t walk in the rain,

otherwise I may lose a sweet friend like u