Thousands Of Aiswarya

Thousands Of Aiswarya
Thousands Of Aiswarya Rai Will Come & Go...

But There Was Ony One Mother Theresa Who Lives Among Us Forever....

Beauty''s Not In Skin Its In Heart

Jun, 15 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     2137 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Respect the past in the full measure of its desserts, but do not make the mistake of confusing it with the present nor seek in it the ideals of the future.

Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace, but there''s no palace till it''s built.
LiVe uP, dRinK IT doWn,

aVoid ThE bULLshiT aNd neVeR haVe RegReTs

coZ aT oNe PoiNT eVeRYThiNg

Was ThE WaY u WaNTEd IT To bE LiKe
wAkE UP FrOm Ur DrAmS
B''cOz It''S tYm To RiSe AbOVe A||
B''cOz It''S TyM To PrOvE tHeM A||
B''cOz U''rE NoT AmONgsT ThEm A||. . .
Aik Scientific Sher Arz Hay...

Machhar K Kaatnay Se paPPu Ko Ho Gaya Maleria,

Pressure Is Equal To Force Per Unit Area... =P ;->
Believe where others doubt.

Work where others refuse.

Save where others waste.

Stay where others quit.

And u will Win where others lose.
Wen u start ur day,
Keep 3 words in ur pocket:

TRY-4 better future
TRUE-wid ur work
TRUST-in Allah

then success will b in ur feet!
The Most Wasted Day In Life Is,

The Day In Which We Have Not Laughed.

-Charlie Chaplin.
It is not because things are difficult that
we do not dare,

it is because
we do not dare that they are difficult.
LiFe Is LiKe

RiDinG BiCycLe . . .

YoU dOn''T FaLl oFf

UnLeSs YoU sToP PeDdLiNg . . .
The way I see it is you have two choices in life; you can be grateful for everything life has given you or you can be resentful for everything life has done to you. Your degree of happiness is directly proportional to the conviction of your choice
Strong People Make

Mistakes Like Weak People Do,

The Difference Is

Strong People Admit Them,

Laugh At Them


Learn From

Them.That Is How