At times, even the

At times, even the
At times, even the Sun’s brightness is overshadowed by clouds.
Why can’t yours?

However dark and dense the clouds may be, Sun will shine back. And it will shine the brightest.
Why can’t you

Jun, 14 2010     194 chars (2 sms)     2051 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages


Alwayz In People

Who Go Through



You Learn

What Is "L.i.f.e" ...
Smtims v think

why frenz keep frwarding msges 2 us

widout speaking wrds.

D reason is tat,

u hv got nthing big 2 say,

bt still want 2 say

i am alwys dere..:-):-)
A boy was drowning in a river and he shouted for help. A man passing by jumped in the river and saved the boy’s life. As the man was leaving the boy said, “Thank you.”
The man asked, “For what?” The boy replied, “For saving my life.”
The man looked into the boy’s eyes and said, “Son, make sure when you grow up that your life was worth saving.”
We Should Be Taught Not To Wait
For Inspiration To Start A Thing . . .
Action Always Generates Inspration
Inspiration Seldom Generates Action . . .
Do Not Limit Your Challenges

Challenge Ur Limits . . .

Born Wid Personality Is An Accident


Dying As A Personality Is An Achievement
Feel The Difference

A Job Is Something U Do For Money
A Career Is Something U Do Based On An Inner Desire & Motivation

"Chase Ur Passion, Not Ur Pension"
If ystrday didn''t end up d way u planned,

Just remember:

God created 2day for u 2 start a new one,

D best is yet to come! Have a successful Day.
Winning is not always about being at the first position..
Its doing better than what you did earlier..
In The Long Run You Hit Only What You Aim At


Though You Should Fail Immidiately

You Better Aim At Something Really High
Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand
and melting like a snow flake.
When We Multiply
Tiny Pieces Of
Time With Small
Increments Of
Daily Efforts
We''ll Find
We Can Accomplish
Magnificent Things

We Can Change The World ... (:
A mud pot filled wid Milk will alwayz rank higher than a Gold pot filled wid POISON...
Its not our outer glamour but our inner virtues that make us VALUABLE!