Heart is like a bottle of perfume.
If u never open it nobody knows the fragrance inside it..
If u keep it always open
soon u will loose ur fragrance.
So act wisely.
To describe love is very difficult, mysteriuos & complex, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. u''ve to taste the fruit to know its flavor. So with love.
Luv and Kuch are going to a village & in between comes A well.
Luv falls into the well. Why??? Because Luv (love) is blind !!!!!
Now , Kuch also jumps inside. Why??
Because Luv ke liye saala kuch bhi karega!!!!
Once you have loved, You will always love. For
what''s in your mind may escape, but what''s in
your heart will remain forever. There is no
instinct like that of the heart