Us k saath rehte

Us k saath rehte
Us k saath rehte rehte chahat si ho gai
Us se baat karte karte humain aadat si ho gai,
Aik pal na mile to becheni si lagti hai,
Dosti nibhate nibhate usay MOHABBAT si ho gai . . .

Jun, 12 2010     183 chars (2 sms)     2315 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

You look so fine!I want to...
break your heart and give you mine
Time Spent with yOu ,fills me With sheer happiNess.
I know togethEr we will neVer be ..and this Does leave Me in sAdness.
When I see yOur smile ,I cAn''t help but smile too ..
At times I hear vOices bUt mainly They Are Just screaMs ..
The way I hold mySelf TOgether Is alot harder thaN It Seems ..
Jab Koi Kalaam Kisi K Dil Mein utar Jaata Hai
Sach Kehta Hoon Likhne Wale Ka josh Nikhar Jaata Hai
Lagta Hai Kuchh To Hai Maayne Dil K Ehsaason K
Har Alfaaz Kagaz Par Khud Sawar Jaata Hai
I Will Wait ...

Till The Day
"I" Can Forget "You" ...


The Day
You Realize
"You" Cannot Forget "Me" ...
y0n chup se na raha kar0,
y0n kham0sh se j0 h0 jatay h0,
dil k0 weham sa h0 jata hai...
kahin khafa t0 nahi h0,
kahin udaas t0 nahi h0...
tum b0ltay achay lagtay h0,
tum dantay achay lagtay h0...
kabi shararat se kabi ghusay se,
kabi hanstay achay lagtay h0...
sun0! tum achay lagtay h0....
Bat aisi ho ke jazbaat kam na ho,

Khayalat aise ho ke kabhi gham na ho,

Dil ke kone mein itni jagah rakhna

Ke khali khali sa lage jab hum na ho.
Luvin Sumone Hu Dusnt Luv U Is Lyk...
Watching A Star In D Sky
U Kno U Can Neva Reach It
Bt U Syill Keep On Tryin
Coz Even D Starz Do Fall Ryt???
Don''t promise me the moon or the stars

just promise me you''ll stay under them
with me.
I want to steal the colors of life
I want to touch the moon
I want to feel the fragrance of life
it''s my wish it''s my wish
I want to hear the voice of life
I want to be a ray of life....
i know
i accept
i believe
i admit
i m " 0 " zero
but this is not end. i want HER becoz without HER i m incomplete.
HER + 0 = HERO
This is my wish for you

Comfort On Difficult Days. . .
Smiles When Sadness Intrudes. . .
Rainbows To Follow The Clouds. . .
Laughter To Kiss Your Lips. . .
Sunsets To Warm Your Heart. . .
Hugs When Spirits Sag. . .
Beauty For Your Eyes To See. . .
Friendships To Brighten Your Being. . .
Faith So That You Can Believe. . .
Confidence For When You Doubt. . .
Courage To Know Yourself. . .
Patience To Accept The Truth. . .
Love To Complete Your Life. . .
LovE is Not HoW LonG U''ve BeeN 2gEthEr;
nOt HoW MucH U''ve GIvEn oR RecEivE;
Not hOw MaNy TimEs U''ve HeLpEd EaCh OthEr
--- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...