I want to steal

I want to steal
I want to steal the colors of life
I want to touch the moon
I want to feel the fragrance of life
it''s my wish it''s my wish
I want to hear the voice of life
I want to be a ray of life....

Jun, 12 2010     194 chars (2 sms)     2254 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

When We Want To Talk

More Than Usual To
Our Dearest,

Sometimes We Can''t
Even Say Single Word,

Just The Silence

" ... I Love You ..." :)
If i were to describe true love than i wud describe it as what a snowman did to a snow woman, he gave her a warm hug and they both melted in each others arms...
Love begins with a smile ...

Grows with a kiss ...


Ends with a teardrop ...
Love Is Being Honest Wid Urselt @ All Times
Being Honest Wid Other Persom @ All Times
Telling, Respecting, Listening The Truth & Never Pretending . . .
I want to steal the colors of life
I want to touch the moon
I want to feel the fragrance of life
it''s my wish it''s my wish
I want to hear the voice of life
I want to be a ray of life....

If You Love Someone,
You Would Be Willing To
Give Up Everything For
If They Loved You
Back, They Would
Never Ask You To ...
If "U" loVe someone, be sUre 2 teLl thEm eveRy daY;
becaUse oNe Day "U" migHt nOt bE abLe 2 telL thEm becAuse iT was toO laTe anD thEy arE no lonGer theRe..
Meri dunya main beshak andhera rahe
Tere lab pe hansi ka basera rahe
Phool khiltay rahen tere 4ron taraf
Tere har simt khushbu ka daaira rahe
Zindagi main teri shaam aaye nahi
Ek chamakta damakta saweera rahe
Tu mere sang ho ye zaroori nhi
Bas tu jahan b rahe sirf mera rahe.
Love Is Feeling

When You Are About To

Feel A Feeling

You Have Never Felt Before ... :)
If Yur Heart Miss S0me0ne,

If Yur Eyes Have Tears F0r S0me0ne,

If Yur Life Has Time & Space F0r S0me0ne,

Then Yu Realy L0VE That S0me0ne!
Love doesn''t grow on trees like apples in Eden
It''s something you have to make
And you must use your imagination too. . .
"Long after moments of closeness have passed, a part of you remains with me and warms the places your hands have touched and hastens my heart for your return."