Es Naye Saal mein

Es Naye Saal mein
Es Naye Saal mein Jo tu chahe wo tera ho, Har din khubsoorat aur ratein roshan ho, Kamiyabi chumte rahe tere kadam humesha yaar, Naya Saal Mubarak ho tujhe mere yaar

Jun, 11 2010     166 chars (2 sms)     1991 views       New Year

more New Year SMS Messages

Ab k saal kuch aisa karna
Apney pichley bara maah k

Dukh sukh ka andaza karna
Bisri yaadein taza karna

Sada sa ik kagaz ley kar
Bhooley bisrey pal likh lena

Phir iss beetey ik ik pal ka
Apney guzrey ik ik kal ka

Ik Ik mour ka ihata karna
Sarey dost akatha karna
Saree subhein hazir rakhna
Saree shamein paas bulana

Aur alawa in k dekhoo
sarey mausam dheyaan mein rakhna
Ik ik yaad gumaan mein rakhna

Phir mohtaat qiyaas lagana

Gur to khushiyaan barh jati hain
Tu phir tum ko meri taraf se yeh saal mubarak

Aur agar gham barh jaye to
MaTt bekaar takaluf karna
Dekho phir tum aisa karna
Meri khushiyaan tum ley lena
Mujh ko apney ghum dey dena
Ab k saal kuch! aisa karna
Throughout the Coming Year may your life be filled with
little celebration of Happiness...Wishes you a Bright,
Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008 with God Bless..
Let''s Welcome The New Year Which Is Fresh And New . . .
Let''s Cheerish Each Moment It Beholds. . .
Let''s Celebrate This Blissfull Year. . .
LeTs GaThEr ArOuNd & CeLeBrAtE d DaWn Of SpArKlInG nEw YeAr
MaY iT bRiNg GiFtS oF jOyS, gOoD hEaLtH & sUrPrIsEs

BeSt WiShEs FoR d 1st MoRnInG oF 2010 (=
Naye saal aaye banke ujale,
Khul jaye aap ki kismat ka tale,
Hamesha aap pe rahe meherban Oparwale,
Chand tare bhi aap pe hi rosni dale.
Happy New year.
Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry…
Life is beautiful, Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne aasma se salam bheja hai, mubarak ho apko naya saal, hum ne advance me ye piagam bheja hai. Happy New Year.
Before 2007ends,
let me Thanx
all the
like U
who made
i pray u bblssed with faithfulyears ahed!
6-Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has no
Allah Bless U N Keep U Safe
Not Only Today But Through Life That is coming In Ur Way.
May Year To Follow Be Among The Best U ve Ever Spend.
yeh khas mssg hai isse 30 din baad padhna.

kaha tha na? 30 din baad.

nahi manoge

toh yeh lo

"happy new year."
kiya na sabse pehle wish.