Lots Of Ppl Want

Lots Of Ppl Want
Lots Of Ppl Want To Ride Wid U In The Limo,

Bt Wat U Want Is Some1 Who Wil Take The

Bus With U Wen The Limo Breaks Down

By Oprah Winfrey

Jun, 10 2010     146 chars (1 sms)     1936 views       Quatations

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"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief
duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
-Helen Keller (1880-1968)
Forget Who Hurt You Yesterday,

But Don''t Forget Who

Loves You Tenderly Today.
Don’t let the pain of one season, destroy the joy of all the rest.
Don’t judge life by one difficult season.

Persevere through the difficult patches,
And better times are sure to come some time or late.
If you don''t want to work,

you have to work to earn enough money so that you

won''t have to work.
- Ogden Nash
"A faithful friend is the medicine of life."
-The Apocrypha, 6:16
"They are alive and well somewhere,
the smallest sprout shows there is really no death..."
-George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
QuOtE oF tHe DaY:

The Best Way To

Succeed In Life

Is To Act On The

Advice We

Give To Others.
"The universe is but one vast Symbol of God."
-Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
Opinions Are Like
Wrist Watches !!
Everyone''s Watch
Shows Different Time
From Other ...
Everyone Believes
That Their Time Is
Accurate ... (;->
"Our Thoughts Will
Devoted To The
Knowledge Of
Our Affections
To Her Love ,
Our Actions
To Her Service ..."

~ Auguste Comte ~
" Do Or Die " Is An Old Concept..

" Do It Before You Die "

Is A New Concept.!
"Where"er a noble deed is wrought,
Where"er is spoken a noble thought,
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)