Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be
swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every
moment He cares for you all the way.:-)
~Good Morning~
My Friend
I Bring You A Few
Good Things This
Beautiful Morning. I
Bring You My Good
Wishes & Prayers
To Keep You Healthy,
But Most Of All To
Keep You Smiling,
I Bring You My
Love & Happiness
At times one loses everything, it only means that things shall recommence shortly with more life, more love, more devotion, more intensity, with more hope . . .
Hope of a new tomorrow to fill the pits created by yesterday.
For years I kept a sign in my room that helped me maintain the right perspective concerning yesterday.
It simply said..
Ended Last Night..”
It reminded me that no matter how badly I might have failed in the past, it’s done, n today is a new day to make things better.
gud morning!
I was on a ship thinking of U... wen I looked down, I dropped a
tear into the ocean.. Then I promised myself that untill someone
notfinds it, I won"t forget U...
Good Morning