Master of puppets is

Master of puppets is
Master of puppets is pulling your strings, twisting ur mind n
SmasHing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can"t see a thing when i
count to 3 u shall fall a sleep 1,2,3,Zzz

Jun, 07 2010     168 chars (2 sms)     2309 views       Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Your future dependz upon ur dreams so go to sleep and let me too...
|| No Matter How Much U Flirt ||

In Night U

Will Always

End Up Thinking

About The

One U Truly Love. . .

Good Night
Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there"s stars
or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always
be wif u. Gd Nite!
Two devils came in my dreams and they said we want to disturb a nice person. so i gave ur name. But,they said that they can''t disturb their boss. Gud n8.
There maybe those on earth who dress better or eat better,

but those who dream of me sleep better and wake up happier!

Good night!
tHiNgS 2 tAkE nOtE wHen u slEEp
1st: MisS mE
2nd: lOVe Me
3rd: KiSs mE
4th: HuG mE,
tRy 2 slEEp nOw ClOsE YoUr EyEs & gEt pRePaReD drEEm Of me.
GooD NiGhT
The stars look down upon you at night, and envy u, coz even
while i"m looking at them i"m thinking of u, my angel.
sleep for the moonlight be ur shade.
. - .
.'' ¡/ ''. I Know
''. .'' It''s '' - ''

Late But I Can''t Sleep Without
Saying Good Night
To Special People Like U!

guD nYt
As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight!
No matter how tough the world may seem,
u still deserve the sweetest dream
Bhagvan krishna ne geeta me kaha hai, Kalyoug me ek acha
dost hoga jo SMS karega our dusra sirf pad kar muskurayega.
Hasooo or hasooo, Good Night.
A day is goin 2 end again. Its been a pleasure to have a friend like u.
i may have 4gotton to say that i care. i may have failed to open up and share but though no wordz have been spoken my promise ov friendship wont b broken.
Colorz may fade,
The sun may not shine,
The moon may not b bright,
Heartbeats may stop,
Lives may pass but our friendship,i''ll treasure till the day my heart stops.
Sweet dreams.
Bye bye.