friendship SMS Messages396 messages

A single candle can illuminate an entire room.
A true friend lights up an entire lifetime
Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
friendships r An Important Part Of Life To All Of Us . . . We Make Friends Go Through Good Times & Bad . . . But Yet Stay Friends For Life
Friends Are What Make Us ''''US''''

friendship iz a language spoken by Heart
not written on paper,not given by pledge
it''s a promise renewed every time we contact
Our friendship is like playing on a see-saw,
not only because its always fun being with u
but also because I won''t mind going down to
see u rise
friendship Is a Language Spoken By Heart
Not Written On Paper
Not Given By Pledge
It’s a Promise Renewed Every Time We Contact
Some joys are better explained in silence,
as a smile gets more audible than laughter.
I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with
you. I just smiled..:)
The Test Of friendship Dosen''t Comes When U R 2gether.

It Comes When U Part Ways & U Realize That Despite

The Distance, The friendship Is Still There...
We all lose friends.. we lose them in death, to distance and over time.

But even though they may be lost, hope is not. The key is to keep them in your heart, and when the time is right,

you can pick up the friendship right where you left off.

Even the lost find their way home when you leave the light on."
friendship... is not something you learn in school.

But if you haven''t learned the meaning of friendship,

you really haven''t learned anything
What Is friendship ?

It Is A Ship Loaded With



Crossing The Sea Of Heart

Having No Wheels Of

PaIn Of MisSinG FrIeNdS iSn''T tHiEr aBsEnCe . . .
ItS WhEn U ThInK oF ThE gOOd TyMs u HaVe ShaReD & U aSk UrSeLf
"WiLl ThOsE mOmEnTs eVeR hApPeN aGaIn"
ThAt''s friendship
There Ppl v Talk N Laugh Wid Everyday Yet The friendship Ends . . .

But There Are Those Whom We Rarely Talk And Meet

Yet We Know That They Are Worth Keeping